Other social activities provide experiences in the political and judicial world. 其他的社会活动使我积累了政治和司法世界的经验。
The judicial examination in Japan was founded after the Second World War and incorporates the experience of legal examination before the Second World War. 日本现行司法考试制度确立于第二次世界大战后,并吸收了二战以前的考试经验。
From exploring how to make so-called fragile states like Somalia function better, to addressing the lack of access to judicial resources faced by many in the developing world, Cohen argues, there are plenty of problems to which Google can help find a solution. 科恩认为,有许多问题可在谷歌的帮助下找到解决方案&从探索如何帮助索马里这样的所谓脆弱国家更好地运转,到解决许多发展中国家面临的司法资源难以获取问题。
Recognition and enforcement of foreign criminal judgment is a type of internationally criminal judicial cooperation which develops from Europe after the world war II. 承认和执行外国的刑事判决,是第二次世界大战以后在欧洲发展起来的国际刑事司法合作形式。
Because the legislation of money laundering is rather inadequate, it is far away from judicial practice need and the world trend under current circumstances. 由于我国关于洗钱罪的立法规范的种种不足,在当前的形势下反洗钱立法越发与司法实践的需要及世界反洗钱立法的潮流均存在较大距离。
As a judicature system implemented mainly in Anglo-Saxon legal system, the dissenting-opinion system has been transplanted into Japanese judicial system after the World War II. 少数意见制主要是英美法系国家采行的一项裁判制度,日本战后受美国的影响,将少数意见制移入其大陆法系司法制度的母体之中。
There is various mechanism of judicial selection in the world. Most countries adopt the mechanism of appointment by institutions. However, the selection of judges in the States of American presents another mechanism in the world, that is, appointment by society. 世界各国有不同的法官产生机制,大多数国家采用机构任命(行政、议会、或专门成立的机构),美国州法院法官的选举制则代表另一种法官产生机制,即社会任命。
But finally from the judicial practice angle, inspected the world main shipping country based on definitely to record a name the bill of lading real right attribute to persist in reality the certificate sold goods the principle unitizing tendency. 最后从司法实践角度,考察了世界主要航运国家基于肯定记名提单物权属性而在实践中坚持凭单放货原则的统一化趋势。
By the aid of judicial activities of judicial organ law comes to this world. 法律借助于司法机关的司法活动而降临尘世。
The introduction begins with clarifying the concept of juvenile, juvenile delinquency in order to avoid some unnecessary dispute, and then it makes a schematic presentation of the judicial protection of juveniles around the world. 导论首先介绍了各国对刑事法意义上的未成年人、未成年人犯罪概念的界定,澄清一些概念上的混淆,并对国内外有关未成年人司法保护的总体状况进行了简单的介绍。
With the improvement of the modem social civilization, the protection of the suspects in the criminal judicial systems of the countries all over the world is increasingly deepening too. 随着现代社会文明程度的提高,世界各国刑事司法体系对犯罪嫌疑人的保护也日趋深入。
The born of restorative justice has drawn great impact in the judicial systems in many countries around the world. 恢复性司法的诞生,引起了广泛的关注,对世界许多国家的司法制度产生了重要的影响。
The sentencing discretionary power and strict rules forms a unity of opposites. In modern society, there is no unlimited discretionary power, also no extreme strict rules, which both exist in the judicial practice across the world. 量刑自由裁量权与严格规则主义是一种对立统一关系,现代社会没有无限制的自由裁量,也没有绝对的严格规则,二者共同存在于世界各国的司法实践中。
The theme of this paper is based on the background mentioned above, making an objective introduction to the Economic Freedom of the Criterion of Judicial Review in Japan after the World War Two. 本文的写作主题就是以此为背景,对战后日本经济自由的违宪审查基准做一个客观的介绍。
The judge is the main body of the judicial system and the core characters in the legal world. 法官是司法的主体,是法律世界的核心人物。
This conclusion and our country judicial world releasing law of contract explained the manner is agrees with. 该结论与我国司法界出台的合同法解释的态度是相契合的。
The death penalty legislation limit, guidance of public opinion, Judicial Restriction of death penalty and the contemporary world development trend of Chinese enlightenment and so on several aspects, made detailed discussion. 本文就死刑的立法限制、司法限制、民意引导以及当代世界死刑发展趋势对中国的启迪等几方面,做了细致探讨。
Works is the object of copyright, originality is the essence of the elements by which can look for the copyright protection, this viewpoint has been confirmed in the copyright legal principle, legislation and judicial practice in all the countries in the world. 著作权的客体是作品,独创性是作品受著作权保护的实质要件,这在世界各国的著作权法理、立法和司法实践中都得到了确认。
Are: First, labor rights protection for foreign workers do not pay attention, resulting in little circles, not only in theory devoted to the protection of foreign workers labor rights research, and judicial practice does not rise to world attention. 主要有:第一,政府对外资企业员工劳动权益保护不重视,导致不仅在理论界很少有专门对外资企业员工劳动权益的保护研究,而司法实践界也没有引起各方的重视。
The relationship between the executive power and judicial power is key issue of concern in the field of administrative proceedings and judicial review in the world. 行政权与司法权的关系是世界各国行政诉讼或者司法审查所关注的核心问题。
Judicial practice in various countries in the world has been subject to the disturbance of such behaviors. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate extraterritorial regulating mechanism for abuse of action right. 民事诉权滥用行为并非我国司法实践中特有的产物,世界各国的司法实践中都遭遇了该类行为的困扰,因此有必要考察域外的诉权滥用规制机制。
In reference to legislation and judicial practice of other countries of the world, this article put forward a sound proposal of legislation. The fifth part discusses the responsibility when employee violates the non-compete obligations, mainly discuss the civil liability form. 在借鉴世界上其他国家的立法及司法实践的经验的基础上,提出完善我国立法的建议;第五部分劳动者违反离职竞业禁止义务的责任,主要论述劳动者违反义务的民事责任形式。
On judicial practice, the problems of the world has its research and are mainly two different views. 对审判实践中存在的问题,学界已经有人对其进行研究,观点也不一致,主要存在两种观点。
Exhaustion issues related to patent rights are acted very differently by legislation and judicial departments around the world and theorists concentrate on exploring it for many years. 有关专利权的权利穷竭问题,世界各国的立法和司法实践差异很大,理论界也就此争议多年。
Encouragement investigation is a special detective measure which is commonly admitted in legislation and judicial practice in world. 诱惑侦查是世界各国司法实践中普遍认可的一种特殊侦查手段,并在法律上予以认可。
This article described the system of extraterritorial taking of evidence under the concept of harmony from the five parts: Mainly from in the first part, reconstruction of the system of international judicial assistance in harmonious world elicits a system of extraterritorial taking of evidence. 第一部分主要从和谐世界下国际司法协助制度的重构来引出域外取证制度。
Profound in its content of the common law, judicial skills delicate and praised by people in the world. 普通法以其内容博大精深,司法技艺精巧而为世人所称赞。
There is evident lag-behind in China in internet-related law making which is at the beginning stage to provide support for judicial practice while the cyber world expands rapidly and online infringements spreads continuously. 而在网络的专门立法方面,我国还处于刚刚起步阶段,相对网络的飞速发展和网络侵权的不断蔓延有明显的滞后性,不足以提供司法实践所需。
However, as an important judicial behavior in the procuratorates all over the world, it is the research subject which most closely combines the theory and the practice. 然而,作为中外检察机关都践行的一项重要司法行为,恰恰也是理论与实践结合最为紧密的研究对象。
With the development of the intellectual property system, the rational use of the system have emerged, because of its flexibility, difficult to control, from practice to theory of judicial debate over the world are. 伴随着知识产权制度的发展,合理使用制度也应运而生,由于其灵活多变,难以掌控,从司法实践到理论界均争论不断。